How to Improve Your Health, Mood and Your Body's Stress Response... Through Your Gut!

gut health stress Oct 04, 2020

Picture it … a vast network of a hundred million neurons inside your body, sending signals to your brain, affecting how you feel  … 

… and these neurons send the signals by using BACTERIA that live inside you, but aren’t actually PART of you. I’m talking about actual foreign bodies! 

That sounds like a creepy setup for an alien takeover movie, right? But it’s not! 

It’s actually happening inside all of us, right this very minute!  

That is actually how something called your enteric nervous system works. 

It’s a web-like network inside of your digestive system, and it’s called your “second brain” because it has a direct link to your actual brain. 

Why does this matter? 

Well, it plays a big role in your health and your moods ... and also is a vital player in your body’s stress response! 

Up to 90% of the cells in this system send information TO your brain, vs. your brain sending info to them. 

That means your gut – and all those bacteria living inside it! – has a HUGE impact on your brain’s responses. 

Some scientists think it affects your feelings and your mood as much as, or even MORE THAN, your actual brain! 

Researchers are looking into how imbalances or irritations in your gut lining and microbiome affect your overall health. 

For instance, when your bacteria get out of balance or your gut lining gets irritated, it can affect the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which help regulate your mood. 

There are also known links between gut issues and autism, as well as anxiety and depression. 

Gut imbalances are also tied in with chronic inflammation ... diseases like diabetes and heart problems, and even obesity. 

As you can imagine, this is a HUGE topic and we’re going to be hearing a lot more about it over the coming years. 

The most important thing to help keep your second brain strong and focused is to live a gut-friendly lifestyle! 

This means cutting back or getting rid of most sugar and processed foods, since that is what the “bad” bacteria likes to eat. 

It means getting enough fiber and probiotic-rich/fermented foods like yogurt or sauerkraut – which is what can make the good bacteria healthier. 

Exercise is also super important, since it’s been shown to help boost your good bacteria. 

Sleep also plays a role, as does cutting back on stress. 

At first this can seem like a lot, but when you start putting all the pieces of the puzzle together, you realize how much better you feel! 

One of my favorite things is when clients tell me they feel so much more energized …when they didn’t even KNOW they didn’t feel energized before they started. 

If you’re looking for guidance with your healthy lifestyle, I’m here to help! This is what I love to do. Join the SimplyFit Club for a simplified way to healthy life!


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