SimplyFit Blog

You'll Need This Type of Mindset to Reach Your Goals as You Age

goals mindset May 23, 2021

Today I want to talk to you about your growth mindset and how it can make a HUGE difference as you pursue your health and fitness goals, especially in our later years!!

First things first, what is...

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Set the Tone for Your Best Year Yet!

goal setting goals mindset Jan 03, 2021

I have something you can do that can set the tone for your ENTIRE YEAR. 

It can help you make great decisions … set your priorities and stick to them … and even help you achieve...

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How to Start off 2021 Feeling Inspired and Positive

mindset Dec 27, 2020

Let's start off 2021 feeling in-control, INSPIRED and POSITIVE!

Doesn’t that sound AWESOME?! I think we’re all ready for some positivity!

OK … so … we’re just about...

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Simple Morning Routine for a Great Day

As we head into the busy end-of-year holiday season, it is SO EASY to feel like your days run you, instead of you running them. 

Have you ever had one of those days when you’ve felt...

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How to Shut Down That Negative voice in Your Head

SELF-TALK has such a big influence over not just your mood, but also your health.

SELF-TALK is the words that you use to speak to yourself, not only out loud but in your head.

Studies show some...

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How to Get Unstuck and Get Out of Your Own Way


They hold us back and keep us stuck where we are repeating the same habits over and over. 

This is powerful subject and must be addressed in any fitness or wellness program.

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Try This Daily Practice to Boost Happiness and Well-Being

A new habit I created this past year was to start every morning thinking about what I was grateful for. To create the habit, I intentionally started every morning with a few minutes of...

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How to Accomplish Your Goals with Imperfect Action

Are you someone who drops your own self-care to the bottom of your to-do list, when someone around you has needs, requires attention, or things get super busy or stressful.

If this sounds like you,...

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Upgrade Your Commute/Chore Time with This FREE Resource!

mindset Oct 27, 2019

This month we are all about making upgrades to help improve how we feel and move … and I’ve got one of my favorite upgrades for you today! 

This is something you can use to...

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How to Get Unstuck When Youโ€™re in a Rut (The Two-Step, Simplified Version)

mindset Jul 28, 2019

Have you ever felt like something is holding you back from reaching your goals?  Have you ever felt like you were stuck?

Like your tires are spinning in the mud and you just can’t get...

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