SimplyFit Blog

Boost Your Mood with this Quick Change

body confidence core stress Feb 13, 2021

I have some really interesting and practical info today that might just help put you in a better mood the next time you’re having one of “those” days. 

It has to do with some...

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Tammy: Living the Life She has Always Wanted

Tammy is 13 weeks into her journey and has lost 28lbs and gained more energy, happiness and confidence!

"I am 56 years old and have been overweight for about 30 years, most of those years in the...

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Increase Confidence and Reduce Stress in this Quick and Simple Exercise

Here's an exercise that will help you feel relaxed, appreciated, and just plain amazing.

It helps your body release hormones that make you feel more relaxed, secure, and can even help calm...

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A Kind Word has Benefits for Everyone!

body confidence Aug 16, 2020

Both giving and getting compliments can feel great! The person receiving the compliment feels supported and appreciated. In fact, did you know their brain registers it the same way as...

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How to Shut Down That Negative voice in Your Head

SELF-TALK has such a big influence over not just your mood, but also your health.

SELF-TALK is the words that you use to speak to yourself, not only out loud but in your head.

Studies show some...

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How to Slay Stress and Feel More Confident...

I have a semi-serious question for you. You know the old riddle, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” 

That’s not my question, but it’s similar. Ready? Here it...

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