SimplyFit Blog

Try These Stretches for a Great Night of Sleep Tonight...

flexibility mobility sleep Oct 26, 2021

Would you like some amazing stretches you can do before bed that will help you wind down for a great night of sleep?

All together, these stretches will just take a few minutes, and they are super...

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You Are Going to Need This for Your Wellness “Retirement” Account

fit over 40 mobility Sep 22, 2021

How do you want to spend your days when you are in your 70s or 80s? 

A while/few weeks ago I was watching a group of active older adults biking and it reminded me about the things I...

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Try This Simple Test to Predict Your Longevity

I was blown away when I read this…. and I knew as soon as I saw it, that I had to share it with you.

It’s a simple 10-second test that you can do RIGHT NOW to help predict how long...

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