The One Thing Holding You Back

beginner fitness goals Feb 05, 2022

So what is the #1 thing holding you back from reaching your goal?

Actually, I am asking YOU that question right now – if you could identify the #1 thing in your life, what is it?

Is it your mindset … a lack of social support … not enough time … not sure what to do to reach your goal?

It’s really IMPORTANT to pinpoint exactly what it is, and to be specific about it.

That’s because a lot of times people decide to go after goals and they expect their obstacles to magically disappear.

If only that was the case!

But the thing is, YOU ARE STRONGER than your obstacles … and sometimes simply acknowledging them can give you even more power over them.

Let’s say a lack of resources is getting in your way.

With a little planning, you can find workarounds – like bodyweight workouts or healthy recipes that you can make on a budget.

And for a lot of my online coaching clients … once they cut out some of the unhealthier things they were doing before (like their $5 sugary coffees, happy hour, going out to dinner all of the time, etc.) they freed up a surprising amount of money to invest into their goals and their own health!

The same thing goes for a lack of time … and even knowing what to do.

But before you can overcome your obstacle, you have to know WHAT it is.

Personally, when I am taking on a new challenge or something in my life has shifted, I have to come up with strategies to overcome my obstacles.

Sometimes it can be something as simple as juggling my schedule … but with others, I need to step outside my comfort zone, work with a coach, do some mindset work, and the list goes on.

So … what is your #1 obstacle right now? Write it down and make a plan so you can make some forward progress!

And also, if you are ready to boost YOUR results with a proven plan, coaching and so much more … so we can overcome your obstacles TOGETHER …click here to learn more about working with me. 


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