This Important Trait will Help You Stay Focused and Centered During Coronavirus Pandemic

coronavirus stress wellness Mar 29, 2020

Currently, it’s coronavirus everything, everywhere, 24 hours a day!

I know I’ve personally been feeling the pressure and uncertainty around me. I mean, it’s normal to feel that way, because some things feel the OPPOSITE of normal right now. 

But getting sucked into it all definitely is NOT good for you. 

That’s why I wanted to share some tips to help you stay focused and centered. 

And it all comes down to one word: RESILIENCE. 

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from or cope with difficulties and challenges. 

It’s a trait that just happens to be a byproduct of living a healthy, balanced, wellness-focused lifestyle! 

I’ve got some tips to help you feel more resilient, because when you are resilient you also feel empowered, which goes a long way toward fighting off stress. 

The biggest tip I have is about the information you’re feeding your mind with! 

Because right now you’re probably getting mixed messages about what to do during this crisis, when to do it, and even who to spend your time around! 

How do you know who or what to believe? 

And what do you do when you see everyone panicking and hoarding items from the store or acting in ways they never would have, normally? 

Here’s my suggestion: stay calm and defer to the experts who are making recommendations based on facts and a big-picture view. 

Here are some of their top recommendations to help prevent spreading the coronavirus: 

  1. Wash your hands regularly. If you don’t have any hand soap, any soap will do! Even dish soap. It’s the surfactants in soap that get the job done, and those are in pretty much every kind of soap.
  2. Don’t touch your face. If you have the virus on your hand, it can get into your system that way. Or, if you have the virus and it gets on your hand, you can inadvertently spread it by touching common surfaces.
  3. Stay away from sick people, and if you don’t feel well, stay home.
  4. Stay away from any crowds, and follow recommendations from local authorities.
  5. Regularly clean areas in your home that get touched often or objects you use regularly – like your cell phone, remote controls, door knobs, toilet flush handles, faucet knobs, etc..
  6. And as a precaution, have a two-week supply of food staples available in case you are quarantined. 
  7. The CDC and World Health Organization are constantly updating their websites with prevention recommendations. If you have a question, check there! I’ll be dropping those links in the comments after this video posts. 

And also super important, do your best to keep your life feeling normal by sticking with your regular everyday healthy habits as much as possible. 

In fact, this is a great time to recommit to your own self-care. 

In fact, if you need a little help. And the good news is that I've been coach most of my clients online, long before social distancing was required.

You can check out my online personal training and coaching programs here, including free guides and information to help you reduce stress, meal prep and stengthen your core with at home workouts! 

Always remember I’m here if you need anything - reach out any time! nicole at

 Stay healthy!


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