SimplyFit Blog

A Kind Word has Benefits for Everyone!

body confidence Aug 16, 2020

Both giving and getting compliments can feel great! The person receiving the compliment feels supported and appreciated. In fact, did you know their brain registers it the same way as...

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How to Shut Down That Negative voice in Your Head

SELF-TALK has such a big influence over not just your mood, but also your health.

SELF-TALK is the words that you use to speak to yourself, not only out loud but in your head.

Studies show some...

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It's OK to Say "NO" More Often (and why you should!)

confidence self-care stress Aug 02, 2020

I want to share something that will make you feel more in control of your time and also your actions … and it can have a spillover effect into other areas of your life. 


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Tips to Burn More Calories

metabolism weight loss Jul 26, 2020

There's something that might be affecting your results and your metabolism ... without you even realizing it! 

It’s how active you are during the DAY – the time you spend...

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How Your Sleep is Affecting Your Fat Loss

sleep weight loss Jul 20, 2020


Below I'm going to share some important info on how sleep can impact your metabolism, but first - let’s lay the groundwork with a very simplified explanation of what your...

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How Stress Sabotages Your Results (and What to Do About It!)

stress Jul 11, 2020

On a scale of 1-10, how stressed out do you feel right now? 

With everything going on around us, stress levels are understandably HIGH. And all of this added stress could be sabotaging your...

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5 Ways to Boost Metabolism That AREN’T Workouts

These are some all-natural things you can do starting right away to help your body burn more calories and fat every single day. 

And I’m going to let you in on a little secret …...

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Game-Changing Tip for Faster Results

habits Jun 28, 2020

It’s time to bring something back that was super trendy a few years ago. 

It’s called Kaizen (pronounced KI-zen), and it’s a Japanese business philosophy that can have an...

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The Best "Success" Advice I’ve Heard in a Long Time!

goals habits motivation Jun 21, 2020

This week’s post is PACKED with million dollar advice to help you achieve your goals … no matter what they are.

I’ve been talking a LOT lately about habits as we get back on...

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Motivation to Kick-start Your Healthy Habits

habits motivation Jun 13, 2020

Are you ready for a big dose of motivation today? I hope so!I have a strong message for you today. 

It’s about getting yourself back on-track after the past couple of months after the...

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