SimplyFit Blog

Intuitive Eating - A Simple Way to Eat Healthier

Have you ever heard of INTUITIVE EATING. Basically, it’s all about getting out of the “diet mindset.”

I see so many people who jump from “this diet” to “that...

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RESOLUTION CHECK-UP: The Path to Success is Not Always a Straight Line

goals Feb 26, 2020

Have you ever seen that meme that shows the path to success?

It starts with a dot at the lower corner, and there’s a squiggly, messy line to the upper corner, which represents success? ...

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Happy Feet: DIY Foot Massage

flexibility Feb 20, 2020

Here's how you can make your FEET feel amazing in less than 5 minutes with one of my favorite tricks.  

When your feet feel better, EVERYTHING in your body seems to feel and move...

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An Easy, Feel-good Way to Get Rid of Brain Fog

well-being wellness Feb 10, 2020

Have you ever gotten brain fog in the middle of the day?  You know … when you can’t think clearly, things take longer for you to recall, and you feel like your thoughts are...

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American Heart Month: Self-care Checkup [Quiz]

heart health self-care Feb 04, 2020

February is all about the HEART. Valentine’s Day is just a few days away and in the US it also happens to be Heart Awareness month. (Remember to wear red on Friday, Feb. 7th!)


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Stay on Track With What’s Really Important to You in Your Life

Keeping track of your success habits is a powerful motivator!

You can’t control the end result of what you’re looking to achieve … but what you CAN control are the ACTIONS you...

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SimplyFit Brownie Recipe

healthy eating recipes Jan 24, 2020

This new brownie recipe is decadent and delicious – and it also happens to be vegan, gluten-free, AND packed with fiber!

AND it’s super simple and easy to throw together. 

Note: I...

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How to Get Unstuck and Get Out of Your Own Way


They hold us back and keep us stuck where we are repeating the same habits over and over. 

This is powerful subject and must be addressed in any fitness or wellness program.

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This One Exercise Will Motivate You (And it Doesn't Involve Working Out!)

goals well-being Jan 19, 2020

I have a power-packed post for you today that’s all about using your fears to motivate you! 

Yes, that’s right, actually USING FEAR to your advantage. I know it sounds weird,...

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One Thing You Can Do To Overcome Overwhelm, Stress and Anxiety

It's my first post of 2020, so "Happy New Year!"

I hope you had an amazing holiday season, and you’re feeling refreshed, renewed and excited as we enter a brand-new year! 

And not just a...

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